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What does 'Preliminary Certified' Mean in College Sports?

As a high school athlete dreaming of playing sports in college, the road ahead can be both exciting and daunting. You might have heard of the term “Preliminary Certified” but have no idea what it means or how it affects you. Fear not! In this blog post, we will walk you through what Preliminary Certified is in college sports and what it means for you as a high school athlete.

What is Preliminary Certified?

The National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA) determines the eligibility standards for college athletes. Preliminary Certification is the first step in the process of becoming eligible to play college sports. It serves as a confirmation that you are on track to meet all the academic eligibility requirements by the end of your senior year in high school. It demonstrates to prospective colleges and university coaches that you have met the NCAA’s minimum academic requirements.

How to become Preliminary Certified?

To become Preliminary Certified, you must register with the NCAA Eligibility Center at the beginning of your junior year in high school. You can begin the registration process online, where you will be required to provide your personal information, schools attended, test scores, and detailed sports participation record. You will also need to authorize the NCAA to access and review your academic records to confirm that you meet minimum academic eligibility standards.

What are the minimum eligibility standards for Preliminary Certification?

The NCAA minimum eligibility requirements include: completing all required core courses (16 core courses in total), obtaining a minimum GPA of 2.3 in core courses, and receiving a minimum standardized test score on the ACT or SAT. It’s important to note that this is the minimum standard, and you should aim to surpass it, as many colleges have more stringent academic requirements for athletes.

Why is Preliminary Certification important?

Preliminary Certification is important for high school athletes because it’s the first indication that you are making progress towards being eligible to play sports in college. It tells potential college coaches and recruiters that you are academically eligible for the program and that they can continue recruiting you with the knowledge that you are on the right track towards participating in sports at the next level.

In conclusion, as a high school athlete, achieving Preliminary Certification is the first step in ensuring that you are eligible to play collegiate sports. You need to register with the NCAA Eligibility Center and meet the minimum eligibility requirements to become Preliminary Certified. It shows that you’re committed to both your sport and academics and that you have what it takes to compete at the next level. So, keep pushing yourself academically and athletically to obtain Preliminary Certification and become a standout athlete in the eyes of college coaches and recruiters.

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