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National Letter of Intent: What High School Athletes Need to Know

Being a high school athlete, you are bound to face an important decision – where to continue your athletic journey. With the vast number of colleges and universities, choosing the right school might feel overwhelming. However, among the endless considerations, there is a crucial document called the National Letter of Intent (NLI) that can help streamline the process. In this blog post, we’ll dissect the NLI – what it is, why it matters, and how it can help aspiring college athletes make a confident and informed decision.

What is a National Letter of Intent?

A National Letter of Intent (NLI) is a legal document that prospective college athletes sign to officially commit to a particular school. The NLI is a binding agreement between the student-athlete, the college or university, and the NCAA. The NLI outlines the terms and conditions of the athlete's scholarship or financial aid, including the amount, duration, and conditions of the award. The NLI also prevents other schools from recruiting the athlete once the commitment is made, formally ending the athlete's recruitment process.

Why Does the NLI Matter?

The NLI is crucial because it provides student-athletes with a sense of security, clarity, and commitment regarding their future in college sports. By signing the NLI, athletes can ensure that they have a spot in their dream college's program. Moreover, the NLI protects athletes from verbal commitments and changes of mind, as the NLI is a legally binding document. Additionally, the NLI offers student-athletes peace of mind by clarifying the terms and conditions of their scholarships or financial aid. Ultimately, the NLI enables student-athletes to make informed and confident decisions about their future while providing them with a solid foundation to begin their college athletic journey.

When Can Student-Athletes Sign NLI?

Student-athletes can sign NLI twice a year. The annual signing periods for most sports are during November and April. These signing periods offer high school athletes a brief window in which they sign their NLI, typically a one-week period. However, student-athletes can also sign the NLI outside of the standard signing periods, called the "extended signing period." The extended signing period starts from August 1 and continues through the entire academic year.

How Does a Student-Athlete Sign NLI?

To sign the NLI, student-athletes must follow NCAA procedures. First, student-athletes must be given a scholarship offer by the college or university they plan to attend. Once the scholarship offer is on the table, student-athletes must obtain an NLI from the school, which they plan to attend. Student-athletes are required to sign the NLI in the presence of a notary and send it to the college official, typically either the coach or the athletic director. Finally, the NLI is sent to the NCAA Eligibility Center, indicating the student-athletes' eligibility to compete for the specific college or university.

The National Letter of Intent is a critical part of the college athletic process. It provides aspiring student-athletes with peace of mind, clarity, and security about their future in college athletics. By signing the NLI, student-athletes commit to a particular school(s) and outline the terms and conditions of their scholarship or financial aid. Signing the NLI can be a powerful and exciting moment for high school student-athletes, marking the beginning of a long and rewarding college athletic journey.

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